Sunday, October 27, 2013

Epic Rap Battles of History Part One

So I am staring a new blog today, just about random cool/fun/interesting things I see or do or that others see or tell me about. Some will be stuff you can look up on the Internet, others will be things around town, maybe even other blogs or things I or others have done elsewhere.

I will try to limit as many to Austin or the Net so if you feel like checking it out you can. I will be open to ideas on this one and please share cool or fun ideas you wouldn't mind sharing with others.

Today though I am opening with a favorite of mine and Shana's and a few other people I know, its a You Tube show called EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY. 

@Nicepeter and @TheEpic LLOYD from twitter do this show. Its on its 3rd Season and has paired up some really funny people, some WTF pairings and some that didn't seem like they would work but did.  This blog is going to be in two parts, this first part is going to be my personnel favorite ERB's Try to do one from each season at least. No more then 6 just to give you a taste. 

Part two will be about my least favorite ones, maybe the ones I dislike will be the ones you enjoy, whatever gets you watching.  Now for some History.

The battles seem to have stared with an idea by Epic Lloyd but Peter does the sound and most of the chorus with each person usually playing one of the people. They take both real and fictional people from history, even calling on help when needed, They have had Keel and Peele on the show as well as Snoop Dogg(Lion) doing people, they call in fellow Youtubers to do woman and MJ.

So just to show you a taste, here are a few of my favorites in no order whatever...

From Season One: Chuck Norris vs Abe Lincoln

This one has Chuck Fucking Norris taking on the man who freed the slaves and may have fought vampires...

Season One: Gandolf vs Dumbledore
Two powerful wizards of different schools battle it out to see who magic raps are more powerful.

Season Two: Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates
This one makes total sense and has a perfect ending.

Season Two: Adam vs Eve(Man vs Woman)
This was coming and you knew it, Men vs Women. Took almost to the end of Season two but it happened.

Season 3: It only has two videos so far so Al Capone vs Blackbeard
This was done as a sort of crossover with Assassin Creed 4. They wanted a pirate.

Now they take requests on who to do next, you just leave it in the comments below the video. There is a free app for your phone and you can download the songs themselves off of Itunes now.

To see more go here:

Bonus they have a trilogy which I will be posting below.  Its a three part Hitler vs Darth Vader that has gone on all three seasons.

Part One and Two:
Two men of evil going at it, this is the first and second time they met, next up part three.

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