Monday, December 23, 2013

Austin Based Indie Wrestling

Austin has lots to do, museums, bars, clubs, The Capitol, many restaurants and lots of other things which I have talked about before. Today I am going to talk about something I discovered back in 2009. If your a fan of wrestling be it WWE, TNA, WCW, ECW or a local show you have seen once or twice.

In Austin, there are three main ones that put on shows. TCW, ACW, and Inspire Pro. I bring these up now as a new year is about to start and January is usually a big month for the companies. So I will be briefly talking about all three with links to a blog that will talk about the shows more in depth.

Anarchy Championship Wrestling has their big show Guilty by Association 8 on January 19th, 2014. Anarchy has been in a war the last few months and most of it has been building up to this, there will be cages, Double Jeopardy matches, Grudge matches with titles on the line as well as respect. All this plus more in the ongoing war. Plus you help support local business. In this case both Anarchy Championship Wrestling and The Mohawk bar. The show is at Mohawks which is at 912 Red River, Phone number 512-587-2369. They are one of the longest running Indie shows in Austin and have been in many other cities including Live Oak and have expanded to St. Louis.  This is both a good starting point or a way to pick up back if you have not been able to make it. This is their Wrestlemania and they really go all out for it.  For more info go here: 

TCW is also a local Austin company that will I believe be running a show in January, they had some trouble awhile back and are really trying to get back on their feet. You can find them on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with when they show may be, I sadly have very little info as of yet as they don't have a set down but keep your eyes peeled. It is run by Mr. B a wrestler himself.

Inspire Pro Wrestling, has taken quite a big of a break. They burst on the scene only this year and have so far exceeded expectations by everyone that has gone to see them. For a new promotion they are doing excellent and slowly building up their divisions and stars. The FIRST EVER Inspire champ will be crowned at the January event and they have an excellent tag team division already that is growing in leaps and bounds. They are also having their first woman's match in January so their are so many reasons to go. This is a fairly new company so you can still get in on the...lets say 2nd floor? The guys behind the scenes know their stuff and only want to put on the best show they can from Joshua and Max to Biss and Eamon they all work their butts off as do the wrestlers and many others I didn't mention here. It is showcased in the Marchesa Hall and Theater and is called The Ecstacy of Gold.  Check out more here: 

All three shows should be great and if you have never seen indie wrestling before, make 2014 the year you do. I have seen LONG time WWE/TNA/WCW fans fall in love with it and even seen a person or two who have NEVER watched a day of wrestling in their life enjoy BOTH Anarchy and Inspire. Trust me, 98 percent of the people I have seen come once have returned. Its fun, its friendly, and its a great time. You will enjoy the matches, the fans are for the most part all great and kickass people who you will grow to love and consider family even.

Just go, trust me.

For more info on Anarchy Championship Wrestling: or follow on Twitter @ACWwrestling.


Inspire Pro: or Twitter @InspireProWres 

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