Thursday, October 8, 2015

31 Days of Halloween: Long Box of the Damned

This one won't be long, as most of Linkara's work can speak for itself. While he normally does Atop the Fourth Wall which makes bad comics burn. He typically takes comics that are considered bad due to art, story, and just pure nonsense an some mix and matching of the three and it is pretty funny.

Today we are looking at something else he does, only in October, when he introduced Mourte, and talked each episode about various horror comics, good ones this time but without ruining or spoiling any twists or the end of the stories usually. He started this back in 2012 and it has been pretty successful so far, so lets take a look at some of the stories he has done over the years.

He started out and still does stuff for Awesome but recently go his own website as well in Atop the Fourth Wall.

He covers a large mix her, from House of Mystery to Freddy vs Jason vs Ash. Let's take a look at some of my favorites. He looks at Marvel Zombies, a spin off of the Ultimate Universe Fantastic Four series where the zombies were introduced.

Friday the 13th: Jason vs Jason X where they allow the half cyborg Jason to battle old school Jason.

Hack/Slash: a cool series, collected in an Omnibus, take talks about a girl who hunts the slasher and killers we "know" from the movies. They are similar but not quite the same, except in one case where the infamous Chucky shows up.

Check out all of them here: Longbox of the Damned 2012 


Some of the more clever or weird ones this time include Batman and Dracula: Red Rain, Werewolves on the Moon vs Vampires, Zombo, Star Trek, Hack/Slash Omnibus 2, and even Captain America makes the Longbox.

Longbox of the Damned 2013 


This year we open with J. Michael Straczynski's version of The Twilight Zone,  We learn about 8 bit Zombie and Zombie cop.

Jason Vorhees returns in Friday the 13th, How I spent my Summer Vacation and Night of the Living Dead: Just a Girl. Batman gets into Halloween with Bloodstorm and Deadpool makes his first showing on Longbox.

We End with Zombies vs Robots.

Longbox of the Damned 2014 


In 2015, for the first time he has a theme as he covers most of the Marvel Zombies series if not all of it, one shots, the series of numbered comics, Marvel Zombies vs Army of Darkness, the Ultimate Fantastic Four where it started, any crossover with heroes, even Deadpool.

He also cover the few Marvel Apes comics and where they cross, some cross with Black Panther, others with Exiles and so forth and he get them all before moving on to other comics.

Longbox of the Damned 2015 


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